Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall
-Genesis 49:22
Note: It is recommended to read the House of Israel before reading this article
Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, because Joseph was born in Jacob’s old age, he was very fond of him and the favored son out of all of his sons (I went into some background as to who Joseph was in my article: Torn Kingdom). Joseph was known through the two half tribes Ephraim and Manasseh, both of these were taken into captivity and were among the 10 tribes that migrated to the Americas. Jacob gave this blessing to Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) in his old age before he passed away:
22 "Joseph is a fruitful vine,
a fruitful vine near a spring,
whose branches climb over a wall.
23 With bitterness archers attacked him;
they shot at him with hostility.
24 But his bow remained steady,
his strong arms stayed limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob,
because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
25 because of your father's God, who helps you,
because of the Almighty, who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs below,
blessings of the breast and womb.
26 Your father's blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.
-Genesis 49:22–26
Because of the blessings and favor of Joseph, he was allowed two tribes through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. I brought up journal entries from European explorers that ran into some of the tribe of Reuben in Quito, Ecuador that had stated that the tribe of Joseph was living on an island nearby (I brought this up in the tribe of Reuben article) where they were alleged to be in need of education. Although they spoke Hebrew, they could neither read nor write it. The Taino Natives of Puerto Rico (Boricua) are the Ephraimite Hebrews they were speaking of; here yet another author notes Natives among the West Indies speaking “corrupted Hebrew.”
![1_2FDzpez5ExUPPHNRgVxAvA[1] Emblem of America](
This consistency in Natives speaking Hebrew may explain why some believe that Christopher Columbus was actually looking for the (unidentified Arsareth as stated in 2 Esdras 13) Americas at the time considering how many Hebrew interpreters he had with him during his voyages:
Communication throughout Indigenous Americans
It is also important to note consistency in communication of these Hebrew Natives among different sources, the Reubenites in Ecuador (before they continued their migration..) could not have known what was going on with the tribes in the Islands or where they were located unless they were able to communicate with them indicating not just that they could speak to one another but also consistency that they had all migrated over together.
Hosea the prophet spoke at length about Ephraim (along with the rest of the Northern tribes) also, unfortunately he had mainly harsh messages for them from God:
9 Do not rejoice, O Israel, with joy like other peoples,
For you have played the harlot against your God.
You have made love for hire on every threshing floor.
2 The threshing floor and the winepress
Shall not feed them,
And the new wine shall fail in her.
3 They shall not dwell in the Lord's land,
But Ephraim shall return to Egypt,
And shall eat unclean things in Assyria.
-Hosea 9:1–3
Israel Returns to Bondage
Here in verse 3 is especially interesting because it states that Ephraim (House of Israel, sometimes Israel is referred to as Ephraim since they were the lead tribe of the Northern Kingdom) would return to Egypt… so when did Ephraim ever return to Egypt? They didn’t return to physical Egypt, this is how we know that Egypt represents bondage and we know that Hosea isn’t talking about Assyrian captivity because he flatly states Assyria in the next sentence making the distinction between two different locations. Anyone who has read through the horrors and early slavery/murders in the American Holocaust by David E Stannard knows the Americas and the West Indies, the Islands and elsewhere.. represent (New) Egypt now. Also, once again we see that when speaking of tribes from the House of Israel, Hosea prophetically states they will return to bondage but he doesn’t say anything about them returning to Egypt in ships because that specifically identifies the Hebrew Israelites from the House of Judah coming into the Americas on slave ships (this was brought up in the House of Judah and in the Tribe of Issachar). Let’s take a look at some of the other passages in Hosea about Ephraim (Israel):
8 "Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples;
Ephraim is a cake unturned.
-Hosea 7:8
11 "Ephraim also is like a silly dove, without sense -
They call to Egypt,
They go to Assyria.
-Hosea 7:11
13 Just as I saw Ephraim like Tyre, planted in a pleasant place,
So Ephraim will bring out his children to the murderer."
-Hosea 9:13
All these passages go over the adultery of Ephraim (Israel) and intermingling with their captors (European colonizers in the Americas), they gave their daughters to be married, accepting the Gentile ways and abandoning YHWH. Even Columbus wrote of the Taino Natives:
They traded with us and gave us everything they had, with good will…they took great delight in pleasing us…They are very gentle and without knowledge of what is evil; nor do they murder or steal…Your highness may believe that in all the world there can be no better people…They love their neighbours as themselves, and they have the sweetest talk in the world, and are gentle and always laughing.
-The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America (1492–1493, p281)
Israel and Complexion
As we now know, Columbus and the rest of the Spaniards would take full advantage of the innocence of the Native Taino people. All the tribes have to some degree, mixed with the Gentile (nations controlled by European descendants) nations they now live in, many Hebrew women (Indigenous American Hebrews of the House of Israel and those Hebrews brought into the Americas via the Trans-Atlantic slave trade of the House of Judah) and men alike were raped, thereby a forceful mixing occurred however much of Ephraim (Northern Kingdom tribes) deliberately and willingly mixed with their oppressors, the Spaniards. This drastically lightened their skin tone which is why they were likened to a “cake unturned” in comparison to their ancestors and the House of Judah.
I want to clarify here that the reason Hebrews were supposed to marry within their own (other Hebrew Israelites) was specifically because they would often adopt the foreigner’s gods and forsake YHWH so this was done to keep them spiritually pure. This is exactly the reason the two Kingdoms of Israel was split a part to begin with, King Solomon had many foreign wives and he allowed them to persuade his heart away from worshiping only YHWH:
11 Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh's daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. 2 The Lord had clearly instructed the people of Israel, "You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods." Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. 3 He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord.
-1 Kings 11:1–3
We see Ruth, who accepted YHWH and found favor in Israel because of the Hebrew Judahite Naomi even though Ruth was a Moabite woman and married into the tribe of Judah. We also know the notorious Delilah (a Philistine) was no good for Samson the Danite (of the tribe of Dan). Two examples of foreign women and two very different conclusions… Moses was once saved by his wife Zipporah (Zipporah was of Semitic lineage but not a Hebrew Israelite) from being struck down dead by God (Exodus 4). Both sons of Joseph (Manasseh and Ephraim) were half Egyptian through their mother and God blessed them both as each was given a Hebrew Israelite tribe of their own after them. So in all these instances as we can see, it has nothing to do with the foreigners being Gentile, Hamite or skin complexion and everything to do with these foreigners seducing the Hebrews away from God.
![1_4sv2bb2Kl_JKl71dsklccg[1] Arawak Native](
Hebrews and Race Mixing
This has always been YHWH’s ultimate plan, to save as many souls that are willing to believe in Him through His son Yeshua. Moses was also shown to be righteous by marrying an African (Hamite) woman (aside from Zipporah). This was not seen as an abomination because his heart was fully in YHWH, Moses was deemed righteous when God gave Moses’ sister temporary leprosy, turning her skin white as snow, for speaking against his marriage to an African woman. The only issue God had with the Hebrews marrying outside of Israel was that they often began worshiping the gods of those they married, it had absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity or complexion of the outsiders. All of the Hebrews were dark skinned peoples of negroid descent initially and this can still be seen among the genetic makeup of the tribes today. Look at the Judahites from the House of Judah (American Negroes) in the Americas today. You can still see we are clearly of negroid descent in physical features (athleticism, nose, eyes, lips and kinky hair, skin tone..etc) even though we are now lighter than our ancestors and keep in mind that we have been here among the Gentile nations in the Americas for 400+ years.
Holocaust of Israel
It should also be noted that the early expeditions of the Spanish coming to the Americas did not have women on the ships with them. This is another reason likely the Taino (Boricua) Natives gave their daughters initially but eventually many were also taken by force as wives as the true intentions of the Spaniards was revealed. By 1518, a smallpox epidemic had arisen killing 90% of the remaining Natives who had not been killed through warfare and harsh enslavement; just 500 of the Native Taino Hebrew population was left by 1548 in the West Indies. This is also a very important note to consider as well that all these indigenous Americans were very susceptible to many new diseases, their Hebrew/Jewish customs protected them physically (and spiritually) from many diseases because they kept themselves physically clean by holding to their Jewish rites even in the Americas:
Their rites and ceremonies, as well as their
language, form one of the main arguments in favor of
this theory of descent. Circumcision prevailed
among the Indians ; they often bathed in rivers
and streams ; they refrained from touching the
dead and from tasting blood ; they had definite
fast-days ; marriage with sisters-in-law was permitted if they were childless widows ; wives were
discarded for new helpmates. They also sacrificed
first fruits on high mountains and under shady
trees ; they had temples and carried a holy ark
before them in time of war ; they were also, like
the Ten Tribes, inclined to idol worship.
- Meyer Kayserling, Christopher Columbus and the participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries (1894)
The Hebrew customs in religion and language was noticeable and found throughout the various Isles of the West Indies:
The tribe of Manasseh (Cuba) were also considered Tainos or Ciboney. They also received Jacob’s blessing of Joseph:
17 But Joseph was upset when he saw that his father placed his right hand on Ephraim's head. So Joseph lifted it to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head. 18 "No, my father," he said. "This one is the firstborn. Put your right hand on his head."
19 But his father refused. "I know, my son; I know," he replied. "Manasseh will also become a great people, but his younger brother will become even greater. And his descendants will become a multitude of nations."
20 So Jacob blessed the boys that day with this blessing: "The people of Israel will use your names when they give a blessing. They will say, 'May God make you as prosperous as Ephraim and Manasseh.'" In this way, Jacob put Ephraim ahead of Manasseh.
-Genesis 48:17–20
So here we see both tribes being given their blessing and we know from the first scripture quoted (Genesis 49) of this article above that Joseph would be very successful, even so Jacob puts Ephraim before Manasseh. Moses also blessed Joseph before he passed away saying:
17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.
-Deuteronomy 33:17
The Unicorn
Now before I get into this meaning, I feel compelled to talk about the use of the term: unicorn considering what most people will think of today when using this word. This term comes up a few times throughout ancient Hebrew Israelite writings in older translations of the scripture. This word “unicorn” has changed drastically over time, the 1828 Noah Webster’s dictionary defines the unicorn as:
an animal with one horn; the monoceros. this name is often applied to the rhinoceros.
Joseph Leads the House of Israel
This also makes sense of the Monoceros (unicorn) constellation. Usually the term unicorn is referred to and thought of as a single horn but as we see from the text, Moses states plural regarding the “horns of the unicorn” (rhinoceros). This is because it’s a metaphor that represents both Ephraim and Manasseh and as was noted above also, Ephraim would become greater than Manasseh. Moses is using the rhino in the statement to symbolize them both, as one horn is typically larger than the other. It should also be noted that although all rhinos don’t have two horns, the African rhinoceros species do and that is likely what they would have been accustomed to considering Israel borders Africa and is on the African tectonic plate. Moses then prophecies that Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) would push the peoples (Israel) to the ends of the Earth; the ten tribes were led by Ephraim and Manasseh as they left Assyria and migrated the House of Israel into the Americas (and Islands where Joseph eventually wound up).
Note: In the book “Christopher Columbus and the participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries” that I reference in this article, the preface of this book talks of Marranos, Iberian Peninsula Jews. These are some of the remnant of Jews that took over Western Europe during the Dark/Middle Ages (Kingdom of the Moors spanned some 700 years from early 700s AD until the end of the 15th century AD) along with Black Muslims and brought Europe into civilization. It is important to note when the author is talking of the Marranos as they would be Black Jews exiled from the House of Judah as opposed to when he speaks of the indigenous Americans, those Hebrew Israelites from the 10 tribes that were exiled from the House of Israel. Meyer also writes about European ‘Jews’ (converts) at some points within the book so it is important to keep a watchful (understanding) eye when reading through this book for maximum accuracy and insight. It should also be noted that the Israelites talked about as Ephraim and Manasseh are the indigenous Natives, not the Jews that arrived later from the House of Judah via the Trans-Atlantic slave trade who also mixed with their Native Hebrew brethren..