I came across these photos (by James C. Lewis) and absolutely loved them. These are pictures taken with dark skinned models to give a more ethnically, accurate representation of prominent Hebrew Israelite and Egyptian characters and what they may have looked like.
![a2bcd8bf96736bb2b85c23a702d95896[1] Samuel](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/a2bcd8bf96736bb2b85c23a702d958961.jpg)
Samuel (of the tribe of Ephraim) was born in answer to the prayer of his previously childless mother. She then dedicated him to the service of the chief sanctuary of Shiloh as a boy. Samuel anointed two kings of Israel. Saul being the first, then later anointing King David after God rejected Saul for not obeying Him.
![d5a9e90c1f73ebf4473e2936aa0e7e1f[1] Abigail](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/d5a9e90c1f73ebf4473e2936aa0e7e1f1.jpg)
Abigail was married to a foolish Judahite named Nabal. She wisely diffused a situation between the two in which David was going to seek vengeance against Nabal. When she told Nabal all that had happened with David, his heart failed him and he died 10 days later. David then called for her and she became the wife of King David.
![4e901f33a0287ca213329d0de3be2224[1] Esau](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/4e901f33a0287ca213329d0de3be22241.jpg)
Esau was one of two twin brothers born to Isaac and Rebekah. Although Esau was the firstborn, he would later sell his birthright to his brother Jacob. God spoke to Rebekah telling her that her firstborn (Esau) would serve her younger son (Jacob) and that they would be rivals. Esau came out the womb red and was covered with hair. Esau became the father of Edom and his younger brother Jacob became the father of Israel and the 12 tribes.

Esther, an exiled Hebrew Benjamite who lived in Persia, became Queen after King Xerxes divorced his wife and held a beauty pagent throughout the land for a new Queen. Esther pleased the King more than any of the other women and she became Queen. Queen Esther was able to use her position and status (along with help from her cousin Mordecai) to save the captive Hebrews living in Persia from being killed and allowed them to defend themselves from their enemies.

Ruth, along with her sister (from Moab) married two Judahites but both their husbands died early. Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi and go back to Bethlehem with her rather than stay in Moab with her sister. Ruth later married another Judahite named Boaz, her story represents loyalty and devotion.

David (a Judahite) was the youngest son of Jesse and a shephard for his father's herd of sheep. David became King of Israel after King Saul, although King David is known for slaying Goliath, David and his servants slew many other descendants of the race of Giants. King David was a great warrior but also wrote poetry, played the harp and was the father of King Solomon, Yeshua would also eventually come from the line of David.

Moses was the Levite Hebrew God chose to lead them out of Egyptian slavery. He also wrote the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. God gave the ten commandments of YHWH to Moses to give to the Hebrews, he also led the Hebrews through the desert and into the promised land although Moses was not permitted to enter. Moses was the meekest man of all the Earth.
![6cc2a635f724f7c2e046cce008c3294d[1] Elisha](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/6cc2a635f724f7c2e046cce008c3294d1-683x1024.jpg)
Elisha was a prophet and successor of Elijah and from the tribe of Issachar. Elisha's life was full of miraculous events and prophecies including multiplying a widow's oil, curing leprosy, removing poison from stew and parting the Jordan river. Even after Elisha had passed away, another man that had died that was being buried was thrown temporarily into Elisha's tomb, he immediately jumped up alive just after touching Elisha's bones. In Hebrew, Elisha means "God is salvation."

Lot, Abraham's nephew, followed in his Uncle's righteous footsteps. He was one of the few people saved from the destruction of Sodom where he lived before it was destroyed. Two angels led Lot and his family away from being destroyed in Sodom but his wife was disobedient and looked back to see the destruction and turned into a pillar of salt.
![Goliath[1] Goliath](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Goliath1.jpg)
Goliath was a Philistine and a descendant of the giants (or rephaim) of Gath. Goliath stood well over nine and a half feet. He is most notably known for being killed in a fight with the Israelite David (prior to David becoming King of Israel), King David and his men would eventually kill at least 3 other descendants of giants including a brother of Goliath.
![d63f34759eb86a3e87e8eab993e955f1[1] Judas Iscariot](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/d63f34759eb86a3e87e8eab993e955f11.jpg)
Judas was one of the twelve original disciples of Yeshua and the one who would later betray Him for 20 pieces of silver. Judas is known as Judas Iscariot. In Greek, "Ish Kerioth" means "man of Kerioth" which was a town given to one of the sons of Judah, likely Judas was also a Judahite as Yeshua is.
![0b21fc55d00a6b664fa8128c7fbd1d4b[1] Rebekah](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/0b21fc55d00a6b664fa8128c7fbd1d4b1.jpg)
Rebekah was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. She gave birth to the first twins spoken of in Hebrew scripture and her sons became the fathers of two conflicting nations. Rebekah was very close to and favored her son Jacob, she would later help Jacob steal Esau's birthright and assist Jacob in taking the firstborn blessings by tricking their father Isaac in his old age.
![c4f74cd6ff4bcada231666d81c4d7b5c[1] black hebrews israelites](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/c4f74cd6ff4bcada231666d81c4d7b5c1-683x1024.jpg)
Aaron was the first High Priest and founder of the Israelite priesthood. Aaron was the older brother of Moses and his spokesman for when they went back into Egypt to speak to Pharaoh. Aaron married a Judahite named Elisheba and they had four sons together, however he lost two sons when they burned the wrong incense before YHWH and were burned to death for it. His brother-in-law Nahshon was a direct ancestor of King David.
![tumblr_n5bu9zJGUc1rmlabyo1_1280[1] Elijah](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/tumblr_n5bu9zJGUc1rmlabyo1_12801.jpg)
Elijah was a prophet from Tishbeh in Gilead. Elijah's life was filled with turmoil and at times even depression, he is most notably known for turning Israel's hearts back to YHWH in a contest between the God of Israel and Baal the fertility god. Two altars were setup with sacrifices, 450 prophets prayed to Baal but when Elijah prayed to YHWH to show them the glory of God, Elijah's altar was entirely consumed with fire from Heaven and Israel recognized YHWH as their supreme ruler in Israel. Elijah's name means "my God is YHWH."
![387ecd55bc309a7e89d9887a42f977aa[1] black hebrew israelite websites](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/387ecd55bc309a7e89d9887a42f977aa1.jpg)
Abraham is the patriarch of the "Abrahamic religions": Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Abraham means "father of many" and rightfully so as the Israelites came from his son Isaac's lineage and the Arabs came from Abraham's son Ishmael. Abraham was called the "friend of God" on multiple occasions, Abraham was 86 when Hagar, his wife's Egyptian servant had Ishmael and 100 when his wife Sarah had Isaac.
![8eb134dfcb10e4f24e1f603c2a9599f5[1] real hebrews were black](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/8eb134dfcb10e4f24e1f603c2a9599f51.jpg)
Hosea was a prophet from the House of Israel, likely from the tribe of Issachar. God once told Hosea to marry a prostitute and have children with her to illustrate YHWH's coming judgement against the House of Israel. Many believe Hosea died in 722 BC, the same year the Assyrians conquered the House of Israel and completely took them away into Assyrian captivity.
![6b9cbd8f4257d4f7004d1c1daecab185[1] black hebrew bible](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/6b9cbd8f4257d4f7004d1c1daecab1851.jpg)
Simon Peter was a disciple of Yeshua along with his brother Andrew. Andrew was the one who introduced Peter to Yeshua (Messiah). Peter was close to Yeshua and even saw Him transform into His Heavenly glory once. Most of the time, many only think of Yeshua that was able to walk on water but Peter also walked out to Him on the water. Peter was a fisherman from Bethsaida, Bethsaida means "house of fishing" or "place of hunting" in Hebrew.
![789e6abafa13a00c995fa9bb570541a1[1] black hebrew israelite](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/789e6abafa13a00c995fa9bb570541a11-683x1024.jpg)
Gabriel is a Heavenly Archangel spoken of in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. He spoke to Daniel about the coming Messiah (Yeshua) in Daniel's vision and was the angel that appeared to Mary, Yeshua's mother. Gabriel serves closely to YHWH as he states himself and his name appears in the books of Daniel, Luke, Tobit and Enoch.
![33eb43221f8f955476d414deaff12dcb[1] are black people hebrews](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/33eb43221f8f955476d414deaff12dcb1.jpg)
Judith was a Simeonite from the town of Bethulia. Judith is best known for seducing Holofernes, a Persian commander that had beseiged her town, and killing him after he fell asleep in a drunk stupor. She decapitated him and the Israelites hung his head on the outer walls of the town. When the Persians saw it, they paniced and Israel won the battle.
![4307cdbeeea6de9af8773608d034c935[1] the real hebrews are black](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/4307cdbeeea6de9af8773608d034c9351-683x1024.jpg)
Job was a righteous and very wealthy man. God allowed Satan to test Job and Job persevered and never cursed YHWH even when his own wife told him to do so. Job lost everything, his posessions, his family and even his health during his trials. Because Job succeeded, God rewarded him with even more than he ever had before, Job lived another 140 years and saw his next four generations before he passed away to be with his ancestors.
![844cf578f90b4866458f22db0a384c79[1] Bathsheba](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/844cf578f90b4866458f22db0a384c791.jpg)
Bathsheba was an African woman that eventually married King David. David saw her bathing while walking along his palace roof. He slept with her and she became pregnant so she sent a message to inform him. Bathsheba was married to an African man Uriah in King David's army so David sent for her husband to get him drunk and tried to send him to Bathsheba so that he would sleep with her but he refused in honor of his men who were still at war. Eventually David sent him back to the army with a message saying to put Uriah in the front lines of battle where he was killed. The baby died because of this sin but Bathsheba did become King David's wife and eventually gave birth to Solomon whom God loved.
![723f2d5549382f1d1a8ed932519034a0[1] were ancient hebrews black](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/723f2d5549382f1d1a8ed932519034a01-683x1024.jpg)
Jezebel was a Phonoecian Princess who became Queen of the Northern Kingdom of Israel after marrying king Ahab, an Israelite who ruled the House of Israel. Even in Israel, Jezebel continued to worship the god Baal and brought with her 800 Baal prophets. She even ordered the murder of several prophets of YHWH including Elijah. Once Ahab was killed, she was thrown off her balcony by her own eunuchs and her body eaten by dogs.
![2a07f60198862d7054dbb94cfc4dccf8[1] the real hebrews are black](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2a07f60198862d7054dbb94cfc4dccf81.jpg)
Michael is the Archangel that led the Heavenly armies against Lucifer (Satan) and defeated him. Michael appeared to Daniel in a vision and revealed that he is protector over the Jews/Hebrews and their children. He also once debated with Lucifer over Moses' body. Michael is also revealed in the book of Revelation where he apparently will be a prominent figure in the end times of the world.
![30fcbb1154beba6b67a562b1bea1e013[1] black in hebrew](https://blaksimba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/30fcbb1154beba6b67a562b1bea1e0131-683x1024.jpg)
Adam was the first man created in YHWH and Yeshua's own image. Adam was made from the soils somewhere in East Africa, Adam is the patriarch of the Y chromosome. Eve was the wife of Adam and was made from him when God took a rib from the man to make Eve. Adam's unfortunate sin doomed all of humanity since everyone came from him... however the main reason Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden was because they were no longer worthy of eating from the tree of life which would have allowed them to live forever.